Saturday, July 09, 2005

G8 Gives More To PA

In the shadow of the London bomb attacks the G8 summit has been all but forgotten. However, an agreement was reached on a $50 billion deal. Geldof has praised it- others continue to criticise. Few seem to plant the blame for Africa's poverty on Africa, although Blair did say, "only people who can change Africa ultimately are the Africans". It's a good point and one many of the G8 protestors don't seem to have considered.

Amongst the details of the deal was this little snippet of information- $3bn agreed for Palestinian Authority for investment in infrastructure.

More money for the PA? Shouldn't the money going there be contingent on a ceasefire from the terrorists who continue to target Israeli civilians? No ceasefire, no money- at all. I wonder how long it would take for the shooting and bombing to stop if Western governments stopped propping up the PA? As Blair condemns the terror attacks on London, it seems incredible that he can give more money to the PA.

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