Saturday, May 06, 2006

Toy Story Anti-Gun?

My eldest daught loves the Toy Story films and she has a Woody doll. Today she came to me and asked where Woody's gun was- the doll has an empty holster on his hip. I told her that Woody doesn't have a gun in the film so the toy doesn't have one either. She wasn't pleased.

Anyway, it got me thinking; in Toy Story 2 we see Woody being restored to his former glory by an expert, re-made into mint condition and ready for inclusion in a toy musuem with other pristine examples of the set. The problem is, Woody never gets a replacement gun. Surely if the doll was made back in the fifties (yeah, I know it's only a cartoon not real life), this cowboy would have a gun?

The fact that he doesn't get a six shooter makes me think that the makers have an anti-gun bias; would it really have been all that bad to give a toy cowboy a toy gun for his holster?

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