Thursday, October 04, 2007

Classic Comedy Moment

It's like something out of a bad comedy show.

A state legislator surprised a high school class when the computer he was using projected a photo of a nude woman during a lecture on how a bill becomes a law.

I guess nowadays the naughty slide in a projector is a bit low tech.

State Rep. Matthew Barrett was giving a civics lesson Tuesday when he inserted a data memory stick into the school computer and the projected image of a topless woman appeared instead of the graphics presentation he had downloaded.

Obviously, he has no idea at all where that image- and the others like it- came from.

The legislator said he finished his lecture using printouts and then met with the school's principal and technology staff, who examined the stick. He said the school's technology director determined the stick had a directory of nude images in addition to Barrett's presentation on civics lessons.

"I have no idea where these came from," the Democrat said.

Sure, sure, I mean he didn't check to see if anything was on the stick before he plugged it into a government computer, right?

Barrett said the data memory stick was a gift he received about three weeks ago from a legislative liaison from the state Library of Ohio.

Second hand data sticks, what a wonderful gift idea...

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