Monday, November 05, 2007

Saving Lives

Surprisingly, this doesn't seem to be getting the MSM attention it so justly deserves.

Close to 90,000 children who would have died before age 5 in Afghanistan during Taliban rule will stay alive this year because of advances in medical care in the country, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Sunday.

That medical care was provided to those children solely because of the US overthrow of the Taliban. The phrase "God bless America" springs to mind. Captain's Quarters has this to add-

Their mortality rate remains far too high. Afghan children at 5 or younger die at a rate of 191 per 1000, meaning that almost 20% of all such children will not live to see age 6. More work needs to be done, but thanks to the US military and the Bush administration, that work can be done. America can take pride in the hundreds of thousands of children who now live, thanks to our efforts to bring some measure of freedom to Afghanistan.

In a sane society, the American media would be tripping over themselves to tell the world about this incredible accomplishment- and to highlight the role that the American armed forces played in saving all of those lives. If you'd like to show your appreciation for the tremendous work that these brave men and women do- work that benefits people all over the world- then why not head on over to Project Valor and donate. It's a darned good cause.

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