Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Truly Awesome

HotAir hits the nail on the head-

In the annals of awesomeness, this shall be the standard against which all future awesomeness is measured.

In a nutshell, the USMC wants the ability to nuke the site from orbit hit enemy targets with an airborne laser.

Such weapons, when used against people, “can be compared to long range blow torches or precision flame throwers, with corresponding psychological advantages for [Coalition Forces] CF.”

In other words, the lasers don’t just kill people, but they kill people in really gruesome, frightening ways — particularly because the beam from such weapons, like the Advanced Tactical Laser, is invisible to the human eye. That means you could have three guys standing around, and one of them suddenly burst into flames.

Which, you have to admit, truly is an awesome capability- and one that scientists seems to be within reach of.

AllahPundit asks if being able to turn people into flaming matches from 50,000 feet with an invisible ray before they've even realised what's going on mightn't be counter-productive in a hearts and minds kind of way. I don't understand the question- is he trying to imply that there's some sort of downside to an invisible death ray?

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