Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Bad Idea

Here's a pretty bad idea- Brett Ratner has decided that the X-Men universe is not quite up to his standards- and so he's creating his own mutant character to include in X-Men 3.

"An unbelievably hot and sexy hooker. Her super power is that she secretes a pheromone that helps her to seduce men. She can seduce anyone."

Yeah, that's just what the franchise needs. Can anyone say, "flop"?

1 comment:

3Ply Stagliano said...

Is that for real? It sounds absolutely terrible. It sounds like the main character in the 'Species' films, come to think of it. Dear oh dear oh dear oh dear. There are so many X-Men not used in the films already, why would someone decide create something shite for it?