Friday, July 08, 2005

Follow Up on 7/7

An awful lot of news today as the world reacts to the bomb attacks on London yesterday. Most important item is that the death toll seems to have climbed overnight- The Times is reporting 52 dead, The Sun 55. BBC still posting the 37 figure from yesterday.

The general concensus is that Londoners, Britons, will not be swayed by these attacks. The terrorists have not dented the resolve of the British people. The question now is, what are we going to do about it? As Michelle Malkin notes, Britain is a haven to foreign extremists and terrorists. London police are asking for information on a Morrocan man named Guerbouzi-

"he's been living comfortably in a flat just blocks from Downing Street with his wife and six kids despite being accused of playing a key role in the Madrid atrocity, as well as a dozen suicide bombings in Casablanca last May which left 33 dead."

Blair has talked a tough talk on terrorism but as the people of Northern Ireland know all too well he caved to terrorism here- Sinn Fein/IRA have been permitted a seat at the talks table, comfortable offices at Stormont (our local parliament building) and even offices at Westminster (the latter despite refusing to take the require oath of loyalty). The IRA are still fully armed and despite carrying out continuing intelligence operations and being the local organised crime outfit, Blair is happy to invite their political leaders to Number 10 for tea and biscuits. They are a prime example to terrorists around the world that Britain is not resolute in the face of their threat- they can carry out their assassinations and bomb attacks for thirty years- even mortar bomb
Number 10 during the 1st Gulf War- and still be invited to sit down for a chat. The same talks might also be happening with Hamas right now too.

If we're to win this fight against terrorism what we need is to do is actually be tough on terrorists, their supporters, their financial backers and their recruiters. There's no point in Blair sending the troops to Iraq and Afghanistan if he's going to allow terrorists to walk freely around Britain or to allow "radical" clerics to preach jihad against the West. Immigration was a big issue in the election and Britain seems to attract an awful lot of asylum seekers- people apparently fleeing countries where they are at risk who just happen to cross a free and safe Europe without once thinking of stopping there. Seems to me like it's time to get tough on our unsecured borders and begin to actually boot out anyone who shouldn't be here.

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