Monday, July 04, 2005

Where did the freedom go?

I'm in a bit of a somber mood today- and a good deal of it is down to the posts by Mad Ogre and Kim du Toit on the 4th of July. There was a lot of idle talk about civil war during the pre-election days in America but now with the Kelo decision, I'm thinking that America is at a turning point- either the Constitution is going to be restored to its proper place as the template for governing the country or- it's gone, forgotten about, destroyed. Right now, it doesn't seem like there's any way to get it back- not with a Supreme Court that's acting the way it does.

It's pretty ironic that it's the liberals who are always comparing Bush to Hitler, conservatives to Nazis, daming them as being unscrupulous criminals in thrall to Big Business- and yet it was liberal judges who okayed Kelo- who said that it was okay for the government to seize private property and turn it over to...Big Business. Liberals okayed that- conservatives voted against it. Perhaps this should be a wake up call to American liberals- you and conservatives might disagree on a lot of things but both champion the basic rights enshrined in the Constitution. Don't you? It seems to be that the constant erosion of rights by legislating judges is exactly what liberals fear most. But the thing to realise is that it's not the conservatives doing it, it's liberals. Isn't that odd, the thing that liberals need to worry about most- the ones removing their cherished individual freedoms- are liberals?

I can just imagine the national outcry against the Kelo decision if it had been arrived at by conservative judges, with liberals dissenting. The MSM would be all over it- and liberals would be foaming at the mouth at the injustice of it all. Perhaps this should be the point where liberals and conservatives should come together as Americans and demand that judges cease to legislate from the bench. If ever there were a need for bipartisan action, it would be over this- because the freedoms enjoyed by America, the beacon of hope to the world, are in danger of being wiped out.

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