Sunday, July 01, 2007

Admitting Defeat

Olmert appears to be quite possibly the worst possible leader at the worst possible time for Israel. It's almost as if he has a death wish- giving millions of dollars to Fatah, sending arms to Fatah, releasing terrorist prisoners and refusing to countenance the long-term defence of some Israeli people.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert warned in a speech at the annual Caesarea Conference Thursday night that Sderot residents should not expect to be completely protected against Kassam rocket attacks fired at the town from northern Gaza.

The Prime Minister declared that his government cannot offer reinforced rooftops for every edifice within rocket range, saying: "A country cannot protect itself ad infinitum, because there would be no end to it."

Pathetic defeatism.

1 comment:

Bag said...

Is it me or does anyone else think it is strange that a country that recieves aid from another then provides some of that to a third party, the third party who is already also recieving aid from the same country.

What is it with that? If they are getting too much they should cut it back not give it away.