As you may have realised by now, I like the AR series of rifles. No, they’re not perfect by any stretch, but it is a highly versatile platform and a simple calibre change to the issue weapon would vastly increase their popularity I’m sure. As such, here’s a list of my favourite ARs (from 1-5) - showcasing the variety of weapon to be had from this platform.
Alexander Arms .50 Beowulf – I wasn’t entirely sure that this would be a very ‘usable’ conversion, but then I was suddenly sold on the whole idea. The reason? .50 Beowulf has the same performance as the phenomenal .45-70, a cartridge that I’m very fond of (particularly in a lever action Marlin, but that’s a whole other post entirely). The Beowulf is an effective hunting cartridge and is recommended for pigs (or horizontal humans as they are sometimes known). It can also take game up to and including buffalo- so there’s plenty of stopping power; this is no poodle-shooter. Available in a 24” barrelled ‘Overwatch’ version or a short 16” Entry version, this is a great weapon for urban situations. The big heavy bullet is not deflected by car windscreens or body panels and it has enough ‘oomph’ to disable targets wearing body armour. Not for general issue but the Beowulf makes for a handy hunting carbine or even for fighting in built up areas. For some great pictures of the gun and the massive cartridge, head along to and check out Jeff Quinn’s reviews of both weapons.
M16 Viper – It was a toss up between this and the Arms Tech Compact Police Carbine, as an example of how neat the AR can get and still remain functional, albeit in a specialised arena- with a barrel this short there’s going to be a drop in velocity and effective range; these guns are designed for up close and dirty work, ideal for cramped conditions and narrow corridors. Though the 5.56mm might have its shortcomings, I’d still prefer it over a 9mm SMG in most circumstances.
Ares Defense Shrike– This is probably one of the most original adaptations of the AR family I’ve seen- essentially turning an AR into a mini-SAW (7.5lbs compared to the 16.5lbs M249). Offered with a variety of barrel lengths from a formidably short 12.5” to a more manageable 20”, this is an ideal example of the variety that the AR platform can offer, transforming one type of weapon into a very different one. I can see this being effective in the sort of fighting which took place in Fallujah recently- offering troops a highly compact weapon effective in tight spaces with a high rate of fire. In addition, the lighter weight of this over a SAW has got to be appreciated by the grunts lugging it around.
Pistol Calibre Carbine – I was going to pick a .45ACP conversion for this slot, but I decided to lump it, 9mm and .22LR all in together. The .22LR version of the AR offers very cheap shooting and perhaps a companion piece to a .22LR pistol down on the range. Hours of fun, because the AR is a very pleasant weapon to shoot and the .22LR is a fantastic cartridge for plinking and target shooting. The 9mm Carbine is a rather nifty accompaniment to a 9mm sidearm (chop that barrel down to 7.5 “ or 10” and you have a handy PDW-type weapon with none of the logistical problems that come with a fancy new calibre and which is also compatible with the issue M9- and maybe throw in the Russian 9mm 7N31 AP round if it lives up to its billing). For me though, the pistol-calibre conversion which really does it is the one in .45 ACP. A great piece to back up a .45 ACP side-arm and ideal when you might have a limited capacity for carrying ammunition. A pretty handy SHTF weapon and given that it’s an AR you could always switch between uppers- pistol cal when needed and rifle cal the rest of the time. Versatility.
Heckler and Koch Improved M4 – Pretty much the main complaint about the AR-type rifle is the gas system which needlessly fouls the action of the weapon. In a step which should have been taken years ago, HK introduced a gas piston system which reduced fouling. Now, if only this were made standard on all ARs. They also improved the magazine, added a cold forged (longer life) barrel available from 10” up to 20” and created a ‘mid-life’ improvement. While the sexier XM8 seems to be preferred for a new Army weapon, I’d say that the HK M4 would be a better option so long as 5.56mm is going to be the calibre of choice. The HK could be purchased as an upper only with the new gas piston system and any retraining for troops would be minimal. I hear that they also flared the mag-well on their receivers but that seems to be a minor improvement which you could live without- perhaps the HK receivers could have been purchased as and when lowers in use ‘died’ of old age. The XM8’s much vaunted modularity- from sub-compact to LMG- is also available here; the HKM4 can be had with a 10” barrel on an M4 collapsible-stock lower or (I’m sure with little extra work) a heavy 20” barrel with a Beta 100 round magazine on a standard M16 lower. You want modularity- the AR series has it. Of course, this was probably never going to happen with the DoD because it might be cost effective and result in not having a new space-age looking weapon to go with their snazzy new fatigues.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
US Military Technology
I’ve heard it said on many occasions that the US military is, scientifically, ten years ahead of the rest of the world. Well, after reading about this, I’m forced to wonder- if this is the kind of thing that isn’t a military secret, just what toys do they have that we don’t know about? This pilot-less spy plane can see steam rising from a cup of coffee. Wow. Now, that’s impressive but not as impressive as the fact that troops in battle can access this data real-time via laptops. Amazing.
What other goodies do they have?
What other goodies do they have?
National Treasure trivia
The movie National Treasure hasn’t opened here yet but while I was reading about it I noticed that the name of the female lead character, played Diane Kruger, is Abigail Chase. Abby Chase- as in Danger Girl. Haven’t read it? Go here and buy yourself a copy of this fantastic comic right now. Featuring a group of female super-spies (led by a chap who looks suspiciously like Sean Connery) fighting Nazis, it’s got all the action and pretty girls you’d expect from a James Bond movie, with a great big heap of humour thrown into the mix. It’s a rip-roaring read and I’d thoroughly recommend it.
I checked on IMDB and there’s no mention of the Danger Girl reference but I’m sure it’s not just a coincidence. Abby’s an Indiana Jones-type character and this movie seems to be a bit of a sub-rate Jones adventure. One I’ll have to watch now, just to see if she is anything like Abby.
I checked on IMDB and there’s no mention of the Danger Girl reference but I’m sure it’s not just a coincidence. Abby’s an Indiana Jones-type character and this movie seems to be a bit of a sub-rate Jones adventure. One I’ll have to watch now, just to see if she is anything like Abby.

Monday, November 29, 2004
Keychain Knife
I’m looking to buy myself a very small folding knife which I can attach to my keychain. There have been quite a few times lately when I’ve found myself in need of a small blade and haven’t had one- I don’t carry my Leatherman around very much. I wasn’t quite sure what to go for- I was considering a CRKT KISS but then I discovered this nifty looking item; the Swiss-Tech Utili-Key. This looks like it might do the job nicely; very compact, a part serrated blade, screwdrivers and a bottle opener and most of all, unobtrusive- it doesn’t even look like a knife. It’s also a bargain price, which helps a great deal. The screwdrivers will also be handy- I occasionally have to crack open PC cases when I least expect it, so it’ll be good to be prepared. Finally, being a guy I love gadgets, and this is a cool little gadget.
I’ll have a further look around, see if I can find any suitable alternatives- any suggestions would be very welcome.
I’ll have a further look around, see if I can find any suitable alternatives- any suggestions would be very welcome.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
According to the always interesting Defense Review, the FN SCAR consists of an M4 type lower receiver with an FNC style upper, complete with requisite Picatinny rail. Still no images of the weapon available but hopefully we won’t have long to wait. Basically what we’re looking at in an AR with AK internals.
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Bit more on HK's New Handgun
Just when I thought I was done I come across this- a page on the new HK pistol in 4.6mm. Not much more new info on the weapon yet but the prototype pictures are interesting- it looks like has a more “pointable” grip angle than the later model. I’m not entirely sold on the concept of the small, body-armour piercing round (although having said that. I’m not aware of any reports on terminal ballistics). Maybe in Europe this will prove sellable, but I’m afraid when it comes to handguns, I’ve got to side with those across the Pond- the .45ACP is the cartridge of choice. And the fact that certain US units are re-equipping with 1911s speaks volumes. If the 9mm is not enough gun, then I’ve got to question the effectiveness of the 4.6mm.
BTW, Ultimate Combat Pistol? Isn’t that title already taken by John Browning’s venerable 1911?
BTW, Ultimate Combat Pistol? Isn’t that title already taken by John Browning’s venerable 1911?
Silent Ammo
Just a quickie for the time being- Modern Firearms is one of those invaluable sites that I visit fairly infrequently. Just been there and two pages spring out for me. The first concerns silent ammunition developed by the Soviet Union , something which I’d heard of before but never seen. There’s a pretty low quality image of the ammo on World Guns. Basically it works by the ingenious method of using a piston to drive the bullet from the case, rather than the gases. According to the site the ammo (which is obviously also sub-sonic) is totally silent. No need for a cumbersome suppressor tacked onto the end of the barrel.
I’m intrigued to find out more about this- surely if it was that effective then we’d be seeing it used in the West? I’m guessing that it’s incredibly expensive to manufacture but I’d bet there’s market for totally silent ammo amongst Special Forces types. Or even SWAT-type units. How about an MP5 running on this for house clearing/hostage rescue? Anyone heard any more on this type of ammo?
The second page that caught my eye was this one on the Russian PP-2000 (the page concerning the ammo it fires can be found here- again, I’d be interested to hear more about the armour piercing claims of this 9mm). The PP-2000 is another of the PDW-type weapons which seem to be gaining in popularity, at least amongst weapons manufacturers. This is one of the most compact guns I’ve seen and the special +P+ armour piercing ammo sounds interesting. More info please! Love to read a review of this thing, see what the accuracy/controllability is like. Seems to be some interesting firearms activity in the East at the moment.
I’m intrigued to find out more about this- surely if it was that effective then we’d be seeing it used in the West? I’m guessing that it’s incredibly expensive to manufacture but I’d bet there’s market for totally silent ammo amongst Special Forces types. Or even SWAT-type units. How about an MP5 running on this for house clearing/hostage rescue? Anyone heard any more on this type of ammo?
The second page that caught my eye was this one on the Russian PP-2000 (the page concerning the ammo it fires can be found here- again, I’d be interested to hear more about the armour piercing claims of this 9mm). The PP-2000 is another of the PDW-type weapons which seem to be gaining in popularity, at least amongst weapons manufacturers. This is one of the most compact guns I’ve seen and the special +P+ armour piercing ammo sounds interesting. More info please! Love to read a review of this thing, see what the accuracy/controllability is like. Seems to be some interesting firearms activity in the East at the moment.
Friday, November 26, 2004
Edged Weapons
Because I live in the freedom hating UK I am unable to own a firearm for home defence- in fact, if I even used a feather I’d probably be charged with upsetting an intruder’s feelings and sent to prison. Even at that though, I’m not entirely unarmed as there are a number of bladed weapons scattered throughout my house. While I’d be loathe to get involved in a knife fight, I’ve got my Other Half and two little girls to think of. Anyway, here’s what I’ve got:
Cold Steel Rifleman’s hawk – I’d been planning on buying a Vietnam hawk, or even the lighter Trail hawk, but I got a really good price on this- too good to pass. It’s a fairly hefty chunk of metal with an axe head and a hammer face. With virtually no effort the axe blade has been sharpened to an almost razor edge, but the sheer weight of the head will ensure damage to whatever is being struck. I keep this by the bed and though it has also seen use in the garden chopping at tree branches, it’s my first line of defence should anyone try coming up the stairs. The lack of manoeuvrability caused by the weight shouldn’t be a problem in that position. If you’re thinking of getting a fighting hawk, I’d recommend either the very pricey American Tomahawk Company’s Next Gen Ranger, or the very affordable Cold Steel’s Vietnam hawk- if it’s going to be used in combat, the hawk needs to be light so that you can change the direction of a swing quickly.
Cold Steel Two Handed Machete – This is a dirt cheap, hugely massive blade which weighs next to nothing and costs pennies. I used is briefly during the summer to chop down some overgrown tree branches and, boy, can this thing cut! If you don’t want something so huge Cold Steel have a great range of the most affordable machetes (really, for the product their prices are superb). Part of the sales blurb for the Two Handed is that it can easily cut off arms and legs- I can well believe it. As a weapon this would be pretty formidable. And pretty scary to face. Cool. Speaking of machetes, I’ve just noticed their new Latin machetes. Mmm, have to look into acquiring one of them.
Cold Steel (can you see a trend developing?) Mini-Bushman- This is a really neat concept, an extensive of the Rambo inspired craze for hollow handled knives. I’m not a fan of those types of blade, but the Bushman is a different breed altogether. Made of a single piece of metal with a “rolled” hollow grip, it’s the sort of knife that sits really well in the hand. The handle is open-ended so that it can be made into a spear very easily and the hollow space can also be stuffed with some tiny survival kit items. This is a great survival weapon and the blade can be brought up to a razor’s edge in no time. It also feels a lot sturdier than the usual Rambo knives. Top notch!
Leatherman Wave– Though it’s not a weapon, the knife blade on this most useful tool is wickedly sharp and is easy to maintain. I bought myself this as a treat a year or so ago and it’s proved its utility on many occasions. I’m not the sort of guy to keep a toolbox around and this thing is invaluable around the house. This- or something like it, since the company came out in favour of John Kerry (SOG make some pretty good multi-tools, or Gerber)- is an essential bit of kit, unless you have frequent access to a cumbersome box of tools.
Finally, just inside my front door, should someone be foolish enough to attempt to force their way in while I’m there, is an entrenching tool. It’s a fairly basic wooden handle, folding type, with a choice of either a shovel or pick head. A crack to the head with it should deter most people, and if that doesn’t work, one edge has been sharpened. This is not good quality steel so it’s not a razor edge or anything, but it’s keen enough. Spetsnaz, eat yer heart out.
Cold Steel Rifleman’s hawk – I’d been planning on buying a Vietnam hawk, or even the lighter Trail hawk, but I got a really good price on this- too good to pass. It’s a fairly hefty chunk of metal with an axe head and a hammer face. With virtually no effort the axe blade has been sharpened to an almost razor edge, but the sheer weight of the head will ensure damage to whatever is being struck. I keep this by the bed and though it has also seen use in the garden chopping at tree branches, it’s my first line of defence should anyone try coming up the stairs. The lack of manoeuvrability caused by the weight shouldn’t be a problem in that position. If you’re thinking of getting a fighting hawk, I’d recommend either the very pricey American Tomahawk Company’s Next Gen Ranger, or the very affordable Cold Steel’s Vietnam hawk- if it’s going to be used in combat, the hawk needs to be light so that you can change the direction of a swing quickly.
Cold Steel Two Handed Machete – This is a dirt cheap, hugely massive blade which weighs next to nothing and costs pennies. I used is briefly during the summer to chop down some overgrown tree branches and, boy, can this thing cut! If you don’t want something so huge Cold Steel have a great range of the most affordable machetes (really, for the product their prices are superb). Part of the sales blurb for the Two Handed is that it can easily cut off arms and legs- I can well believe it. As a weapon this would be pretty formidable. And pretty scary to face. Cool. Speaking of machetes, I’ve just noticed their new Latin machetes. Mmm, have to look into acquiring one of them.
Cold Steel (can you see a trend developing?) Mini-Bushman- This is a really neat concept, an extensive of the Rambo inspired craze for hollow handled knives. I’m not a fan of those types of blade, but the Bushman is a different breed altogether. Made of a single piece of metal with a “rolled” hollow grip, it’s the sort of knife that sits really well in the hand. The handle is open-ended so that it can be made into a spear very easily and the hollow space can also be stuffed with some tiny survival kit items. This is a great survival weapon and the blade can be brought up to a razor’s edge in no time. It also feels a lot sturdier than the usual Rambo knives. Top notch!
Leatherman Wave– Though it’s not a weapon, the knife blade on this most useful tool is wickedly sharp and is easy to maintain. I bought myself this as a treat a year or so ago and it’s proved its utility on many occasions. I’m not the sort of guy to keep a toolbox around and this thing is invaluable around the house. This- or something like it, since the company came out in favour of John Kerry (SOG make some pretty good multi-tools, or Gerber)- is an essential bit of kit, unless you have frequent access to a cumbersome box of tools.
Finally, just inside my front door, should someone be foolish enough to attempt to force their way in while I’m there, is an entrenching tool. It’s a fairly basic wooden handle, folding type, with a choice of either a shovel or pick head. A crack to the head with it should deter most people, and if that doesn’t work, one edge has been sharpened. This is not good quality steel so it’s not a razor edge or anything, but it’s keen enough. Spetsnaz, eat yer heart out.
Airborne Combat Engineer
Wow. Got a mention on the awesome Airborne Combat Engineer’s site! If you haven’t been there yet, go now. Excellent coverage of Iraq and lots of good weapons stuff. If you’re interested in the SOCOM SCAR project, this is the place to keep an eye on- I’ll bet ACE will be the first site to have picks on FN’s winning weapon.
Thanks for the mention, ACE!
Thanks for the mention, ACE!
Monday, November 22, 2004
US Special Forces are looking for a new weapon- the contract has already gone to FN. It’s to be a modular weapon built as a Light and Heavy version, the former being in 5.56mm, the latter in 7.62mm NATO. Part of the modularity of the design will be to allow calibre changes, initially in the 7.62mm NATO to 7.62mm Russian. No word on a calibre change from 5.56mm- and the Light version is the one which will be bought in the largest numbers.
The FN built weapon seems to be an updated version of their FNC rifle, specs of which can be found here and here. Essentially the FNC is a seventies-era weapon which borrows heavily from the classic Kalashnikov design. So far, I’ve been unable to find any details on the weapon itself but no doubt Airborne Combat Engineer will be the place to look out for this. Robinson Armament does have their own SCAR rifle, produced to compete for this contract, and for a look at what the FN was up against you can go here. The description of the weapon is basically “reliable as an AK, feel of an M4”. It’ll be interesting to see what the specs of the FN are.
Got to wonder why they don’t just pick up an AK, slap some Picatinny rails onto it, and go with that? The basic Kalashnikov design is already produced in 5.45mm, 5.56mm, 7.62mm Russian and 7.62mm NATO. Maybe that’s just too low-tech, cost-saving an approach? I know that with the many complaints about the 5.56mm’s lethality, there are calls for a return to 7.62 NATO, but personally I think that 7.62 Russian is plenty bullet for the task in hand. The vast majority of combat takes place at ranges of 200 yards and closer and I don’t see how stepping back past one of the greatest advances in small arms (the 7.62mmX39 cartridge and the Kalashnikov design) is going to be a big improvement. Of course, this is a weapon for Special Operations and so they will have a better ability to fine tune their mission specific equipment, but even at that I’ve got to say that the ‘baby’ 7.62 is my preferred calibre.
The FN built weapon seems to be an updated version of their FNC rifle, specs of which can be found here and here. Essentially the FNC is a seventies-era weapon which borrows heavily from the classic Kalashnikov design. So far, I’ve been unable to find any details on the weapon itself but no doubt Airborne Combat Engineer will be the place to look out for this. Robinson Armament does have their own SCAR rifle, produced to compete for this contract, and for a look at what the FN was up against you can go here. The description of the weapon is basically “reliable as an AK, feel of an M4”. It’ll be interesting to see what the specs of the FN are.
Got to wonder why they don’t just pick up an AK, slap some Picatinny rails onto it, and go with that? The basic Kalashnikov design is already produced in 5.45mm, 5.56mm, 7.62mm Russian and 7.62mm NATO. Maybe that’s just too low-tech, cost-saving an approach? I know that with the many complaints about the 5.56mm’s lethality, there are calls for a return to 7.62 NATO, but personally I think that 7.62 Russian is plenty bullet for the task in hand. The vast majority of combat takes place at ranges of 200 yards and closer and I don’t see how stepping back past one of the greatest advances in small arms (the 7.62mmX39 cartridge and the Kalashnikov design) is going to be a big improvement. Of course, this is a weapon for Special Operations and so they will have a better ability to fine tune their mission specific equipment, but even at that I’ve got to say that the ‘baby’ 7.62 is my preferred calibre.
Friday, November 19, 2004
Evil Dead to be remade
So, Sam Raimi is going to produce and Bruce Campbell star in a remake of Evil Dead. The words ‘pointless’ and ‘redundant’ spring to mind. Why another remake (Evil Dead 2 was essentially a remake of the first film) instead of a new movie? And, what’s with the ‘true’ story tag in the article? Huh?
Monday, November 15, 2004
"Sub-compact" M16
I came across this site today when I was browsing- what you might call a “sub-compact” M16 variant, called the Viper. While it’s a very specialised tool, I understand that a lot of operators working in close protection prefer to carry an AR with a barrel in the region of 10”. Definitely one for close up work, and the type of weapon that has to be much preferred over the new breed of PDW (Personal Defence Weapons). There’s certainly a niche for the HK MP7A1 and the FN P-90, but I for one would be much happier carrying a tiny AR in 5.56mm than one of these PDWs. They might offer an advantage over pistol calibre weapons but the full-power (and I use the term loosely) 5.56mm has got to provide more peace of mind. Not to mention the logistical advantage of not having to transport other types of ammunition.
One of the advantages of the XM8 system is its modularity- it can be adapted from a compact carbine right up to a sharp-shooter/automatic rifle- but the M16 can function like this too, simply by swapping out the upper. And as my Dad pointed out- who the heck is going to transport all these extra parts? It might be possible to carry out mission specific modifications at the squad level, but support for all this extra kit has to come from somewhere.
While the Viper is certainly small (a 7.5inch barrel), there are a couple of other options available, most notable the Bushmaster Carbon 15 Pistol, which is a mere half inch longer than the P-90- bang a fore-grip onto the front Picatinny rail and you’re good to go. Alternatively there’s the minute Olympic Arms OA-98 pistol, which has the added advantage of having no buffer tube sticking out the back- mate that with the Bushmaster with its rails and slap on a folding stock- preferable to a PDW? Ideal for CQB work clearing buildings? I think so.
Of course, while the discussion rages about a new weapon system, alternative calibres and so on, the fact remains that the weapon picked will invariably be a compromise- because an Army’s assault rifle has to fulfil more than one role. I know a lot of people would prefer to see a return to the days of the M14, but while that’s fine for the wide open spaces of Afghanistan, it’s in no way ideal for the type of fighting the Marines have been carrying out so well in Fallujah (once again the US military has defied expectations- first it was Afghanistan, then the rapid defeat of Iraq and now taking a city within a week- simply amazing). An assault rifle has to be capable of performing all over the world- deserts, jungle, cities. I’m sure that for each environment there’s a particular weapon which would do an excellent job- but which would be a bad choice in one of the other environments.
For what it’s worth, I like the M16 family. The US Army doesn’t really need a new weapon, it just needs to tinker with the one it’s got- I wonder how many people would change their attitude to the M4, for example, if it was issued in 6.8mm and had HK’s gas piston system?
One of the advantages of the XM8 system is its modularity- it can be adapted from a compact carbine right up to a sharp-shooter/automatic rifle- but the M16 can function like this too, simply by swapping out the upper. And as my Dad pointed out- who the heck is going to transport all these extra parts? It might be possible to carry out mission specific modifications at the squad level, but support for all this extra kit has to come from somewhere.
While the Viper is certainly small (a 7.5inch barrel), there are a couple of other options available, most notable the Bushmaster Carbon 15 Pistol, which is a mere half inch longer than the P-90- bang a fore-grip onto the front Picatinny rail and you’re good to go. Alternatively there’s the minute Olympic Arms OA-98 pistol, which has the added advantage of having no buffer tube sticking out the back- mate that with the Bushmaster with its rails and slap on a folding stock- preferable to a PDW? Ideal for CQB work clearing buildings? I think so.
Of course, while the discussion rages about a new weapon system, alternative calibres and so on, the fact remains that the weapon picked will invariably be a compromise- because an Army’s assault rifle has to fulfil more than one role. I know a lot of people would prefer to see a return to the days of the M14, but while that’s fine for the wide open spaces of Afghanistan, it’s in no way ideal for the type of fighting the Marines have been carrying out so well in Fallujah (once again the US military has defied expectations- first it was Afghanistan, then the rapid defeat of Iraq and now taking a city within a week- simply amazing). An assault rifle has to be capable of performing all over the world- deserts, jungle, cities. I’m sure that for each environment there’s a particular weapon which would do an excellent job- but which would be a bad choice in one of the other environments.
For what it’s worth, I like the M16 family. The US Army doesn’t really need a new weapon, it just needs to tinker with the one it’s got- I wonder how many people would change their attitude to the M4, for example, if it was issued in 6.8mm and had HK’s gas piston system?
New HK Pistol
Just when I thought I was up to date along comes a new HK product, a pistol companion piece to the MP7A1 PDW in 4.6mmx30- the P46.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Blogger’s done it again, posting an item I wrote a few days ago after a follow item I wrote yesterday. Good Girl Art should have been up before Bawidamann. Oh well. Go have a look at the links I posted. Be prepared with the Adam Hughes site though, he can get a bit saucy. If you’re afraid of seeing drawings of girls with big boobs, don’t go there.
Good Girl Art
As a devout geek I’m a big fan of comic book art. Today I found this site which has some fantastic good girl art (with a military theme for all you guys who like ‘40s looking women toting hardware). The art is a nice mix of a modern graphic style with a WW2 feel.
If this takes your fancy then also check out the amazing Adam Hughes. Personally I prefer his sketchwork.
If this takes your fancy then also check out the amazing Adam Hughes. Personally I prefer his sketchwork.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Spierig Brothers
Just a little bit of movie news today. According to Ain’t It Cool, the Spierig brothers- makers of low budget but highly enjoyable Undead (they did the FX on their laptop apparently- but it looks great) are about to make a vampire movie called Daybreakers. I’m looking forward to seeing how they’ll cope in Hollywood with a big(ger) budget. Undead was a fun movie, AIC paints Daybreakers as a more serious yarn which bodes well.
XM8 Problems?
This looks like it might be bad news for the HK XM8 rifle (or it could be some arcane government way of doing business). I’ve heard the problem of the melting hand guard a while back- and when it was reported it didn’t seem to pose too much of a problem. Word was that HK would be able to solve that before full production went ahead. The mechanical failure is another matter altogether.
As for the USMC, they don’t seem to want to make the same mistake they did with the M16 in adopting a new weapon too early, when there might still be problems which need to be ironed out. As I’ve always said, it doesn’t pay to be an early adopter. They also, apparently, have issues with retaining the 5.56mm round- possibly heralding a move up to 6.8mm, the 6.5 Grendel or even a 6mm/223 (.223 brass necked up to take a 6mm round). I’m assuming that this is the same as the cartridge discussed here for those of you interested in the reloading data.
From what I’ve heard of it, the XM8 looks to be one of the best choices to go with- what else is there? 5.56mm doesn’t look like the way forward and any of the replacement cartridges listed above which have better lethality would be a better option, but as the rifle is being testing in 5.56mm format, it looks like the poodle-shooter will be around for some time to come.
As for the USMC, they don’t seem to want to make the same mistake they did with the M16 in adopting a new weapon too early, when there might still be problems which need to be ironed out. As I’ve always said, it doesn’t pay to be an early adopter. They also, apparently, have issues with retaining the 5.56mm round- possibly heralding a move up to 6.8mm, the 6.5 Grendel or even a 6mm/223 (.223 brass necked up to take a 6mm round). I’m assuming that this is the same as the cartridge discussed here for those of you interested in the reloading data.
From what I’ve heard of it, the XM8 looks to be one of the best choices to go with- what else is there? 5.56mm doesn’t look like the way forward and any of the replacement cartridges listed above which have better lethality would be a better option, but as the rifle is being testing in 5.56mm format, it looks like the poodle-shooter will be around for some time to come.
A couple of days ago I posted a link to Andrew Bawidamann’s site- his 40s looking pin-up girls. Well, his site doesn’t allow you to save images (the cunning swine) but if you’re looking to pretty up your PC with a space-girl or a hot chick with a Garand, have a look here for a gallery of images.
You’re welcome.
You’re welcome.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Top 10 Zombie movies
I quite enjoyed coming up with yesterday’s list, even though it took all of five minutes and I decided that I’d post a few more ‘top tens’. My novel has taken a back seat for the time being to a bunch of scripts/stories about zombies- my favourite movie ‘monster’- and they’re pretty fun to write. And so, again in no particular order, here are 10 of my favourite zombie movies at the moment (ask me in a week and you’ll probably get a different answer). Your own recommendations are also very welcome.
Versus - A Japanese action-fest with lots of gun action and pistol toting zombies- which sounds awful but is in fact incredibly well done. Watch and be amazed. Even if you don’t like zombie movies this is an action film well worth seeing. Awesome.
Night of the Living Dead - The original and still the best of the ‘modern’ zombie movies. A classic.
Dawn of the Dead remake - I really enjoyed this- the fact that it’s not a commentary on consumerism doesn’t matter a damn to me- I want my zombie movies to be about zombies.
Zombie Nosh - Low budget with not the greatest actors in the world, this is nevertheless a very effective zombie flick. Top marks.
Junk – Another Japanese zombie movie which I really enjoyed though reviews seem to be mixed. Guns and zombies- what’s not to like?
I Walked With A Zombie – One of the old school zombie films and though zombies play a pretty much peripheral role, it’s a fabulous film just for the visuals and the haunting mood it creates.
Resident Evil – Wasn’t sure if I should include this one of not, but I decided that I would (obviously) because I not only enjoy it but because it seems to have marked the beginning of a whole slew of zombie flicks. Huzzah!
The Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue – Though the dubbed soundtrack takes a little getting used to, this film is another zombie classic, and it deserves much more attention than it gets. A nicely paced small-scale story.
Zombie Flesh Eaters – I had to mention one of the Fulci films and this is my favourite- the gore scenes are particularly well done and there are a few moments that will stick with anyone who sees it.
The Crazies – There are some zombie films that don’t actually have zombies in them (28 Days Later being the prime example- and a sequel is on the way- and Mutant being another that I enjoyed more than I should have) and of the bunch, The Crazies is my absolute favourite. I’d even go so far as to say that it’s possibly my favourite George Romero film (NOTLD just pips the post I think) and while it doesn’t involve zombies per se, it’s not much of a stretch to imagine that it does include the walking dead.
Honourable Mentions – Undead, an Australian film with some great effects, a good script (“I'll f**kin' finish you off faster than a f**kin' birthday cake at a fat chick's f**kin' birthday party!”), and an intriguing plot. I hope to see more movies from the brother who made this.
Second mention goes to another Japanese film, Stacy. This is a weird one, a very weird one- teenage girls becoming zombies is the basic plotline but that doesn’t even begin to explain it. I’m not sure about this one at all, but it’s worth seeing just for the wacky strangeness of it all. I have one other Japanese zombie film in my collection (which I’ve yet to see)- Battlefield Baseball- no rules baseball (think Ultimate Fighting then add weapons) against a team of zombies. If anyone knows of any others, do let me know. Update: SHAUN OF THE DEAD! How could I have forgotten to include this one? Beats me. Anyway, add it to the list. A great, funny, horrific, gory movie. Ten out of ten.
Versus - A Japanese action-fest with lots of gun action and pistol toting zombies- which sounds awful but is in fact incredibly well done. Watch and be amazed. Even if you don’t like zombie movies this is an action film well worth seeing. Awesome.
Night of the Living Dead - The original and still the best of the ‘modern’ zombie movies. A classic.
Dawn of the Dead remake - I really enjoyed this- the fact that it’s not a commentary on consumerism doesn’t matter a damn to me- I want my zombie movies to be about zombies.
Zombie Nosh - Low budget with not the greatest actors in the world, this is nevertheless a very effective zombie flick. Top marks.
Junk – Another Japanese zombie movie which I really enjoyed though reviews seem to be mixed. Guns and zombies- what’s not to like?
I Walked With A Zombie – One of the old school zombie films and though zombies play a pretty much peripheral role, it’s a fabulous film just for the visuals and the haunting mood it creates.
Resident Evil – Wasn’t sure if I should include this one of not, but I decided that I would (obviously) because I not only enjoy it but because it seems to have marked the beginning of a whole slew of zombie flicks. Huzzah!
The Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue – Though the dubbed soundtrack takes a little getting used to, this film is another zombie classic, and it deserves much more attention than it gets. A nicely paced small-scale story.
Zombie Flesh Eaters – I had to mention one of the Fulci films and this is my favourite- the gore scenes are particularly well done and there are a few moments that will stick with anyone who sees it.
The Crazies – There are some zombie films that don’t actually have zombies in them (28 Days Later being the prime example- and a sequel is on the way- and Mutant being another that I enjoyed more than I should have) and of the bunch, The Crazies is my absolute favourite. I’d even go so far as to say that it’s possibly my favourite George Romero film (NOTLD just pips the post I think) and while it doesn’t involve zombies per se, it’s not much of a stretch to imagine that it does include the walking dead.
Honourable Mentions – Undead, an Australian film with some great effects, a good script (“I'll f**kin' finish you off faster than a f**kin' birthday cake at a fat chick's f**kin' birthday party!”), and an intriguing plot. I hope to see more movies from the brother who made this.
Second mention goes to another Japanese film, Stacy. This is a weird one, a very weird one- teenage girls becoming zombies is the basic plotline but that doesn’t even begin to explain it. I’m not sure about this one at all, but it’s worth seeing just for the wacky strangeness of it all. I have one other Japanese zombie film in my collection (which I’ve yet to see)- Battlefield Baseball- no rules baseball (think Ultimate Fighting then add weapons) against a team of zombies. If anyone knows of any others, do let me know. Update: SHAUN OF THE DEAD! How could I have forgotten to include this one? Beats me. Anyway, add it to the list. A great, funny, horrific, gory movie. Ten out of ten.
Top 10 Monster Movies
1. King Kong
2. Them! (awesome movie)
3. Aliens
4. Predator
5. The Blob
6. It Came From Beneath The Sea
7. Beast From 20,000 Fathoms
8. Creature From The Black Lagoon
9. The Thing (from another world)
10. Dog Soldiers
All off the top of my head and in no particular order. Just because.
2. Them! (awesome movie)
3. Aliens
4. Predator
5. The Blob
6. It Came From Beneath The Sea
7. Beast From 20,000 Fathoms
8. Creature From The Black Lagoon
9. The Thing (from another world)
10. Dog Soldiers
All off the top of my head and in no particular order. Just because.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Catch Up
Blogger is delaying my email posts now! Grrr.
Anyway, I cannot begin to say how pleased and relieved that George W. has been re-elected president. Hopefully, with such a massive majority he can now get on with the next four years without the ridiculous claims from the DNC et al that he “stole” the election. BTW, kudos to Kerry for his concession speech- he could have been a massive ass and delayed the results for days to come- such a shame he didn’t run his whole campaign with this shred of decency- just imagine how it might have gone if he’d forgone the far leftist rantings and conspiracy theories for truth and details of what his actual plans would have been. I wonder if having suffered such a resounding defeat that the Democrats will realise that the American people don’t want MoveOn and Michael Moore-on to dictate the tone of the campaign- in four years time will their candidate (Clinton?) run on absurdities or on policy?
With the election finally over, I wonder too if anyone wants to continue pressing Kerry to release his military records in light of a possible less than honourable discharge? He’s still a senator after all.
Now that Bush has secured his second term (and the Republicans have absolutely thrashed the Democrats) I wonder if we can expect a stepping up of the campaign in Iraq? I’m assuming that with the elections due in January, Fallujah and other terrorist hotspots will be targeted- and hopefully the military will be permitted to finish the job. Offering concessions to Sadr was a big mistake- surely the same thing can’t be allowed to happen again. I heard somewhere (must remember to bookmark links!) that Allawi had requested that some of the foreign terrorists the Americans are holding in Iraq be handed over to Iraqi custody- with the aim of showing them on TV so that the Iraqi people see for themselves that these are not insurgents or freedom fighters, they are foreign terrorists with no interest in what’s best for the Iraqi people.
I’ve just heard that three British troops have been killed in Iraq. Given the media frenzy over the Ken Bigley kidnapping (and the anti-war message they included) I’m sure that the Black Watch will come under a lot of pressure in Iraq- Blair’s already under a lot of pressure over the war and with an election of his own to fight soon I’m hoping that he has the resolve to stay the course. Australia and America have just re-elected war leaders, I don’t see why Britain should be any different (especially given the poor state of our Conservative Party- let’s face it, Blair doesn’t have a lot of competition- and the Tories were mostly pro-war too).
Anyway, I cannot begin to say how pleased and relieved that George W. has been re-elected president. Hopefully, with such a massive majority he can now get on with the next four years without the ridiculous claims from the DNC et al that he “stole” the election. BTW, kudos to Kerry for his concession speech- he could have been a massive ass and delayed the results for days to come- such a shame he didn’t run his whole campaign with this shred of decency- just imagine how it might have gone if he’d forgone the far leftist rantings and conspiracy theories for truth and details of what his actual plans would have been. I wonder if having suffered such a resounding defeat that the Democrats will realise that the American people don’t want MoveOn and Michael Moore-on to dictate the tone of the campaign- in four years time will their candidate (Clinton?) run on absurdities or on policy?
With the election finally over, I wonder too if anyone wants to continue pressing Kerry to release his military records in light of a possible less than honourable discharge? He’s still a senator after all.
Now that Bush has secured his second term (and the Republicans have absolutely thrashed the Democrats) I wonder if we can expect a stepping up of the campaign in Iraq? I’m assuming that with the elections due in January, Fallujah and other terrorist hotspots will be targeted- and hopefully the military will be permitted to finish the job. Offering concessions to Sadr was a big mistake- surely the same thing can’t be allowed to happen again. I heard somewhere (must remember to bookmark links!) that Allawi had requested that some of the foreign terrorists the Americans are holding in Iraq be handed over to Iraqi custody- with the aim of showing them on TV so that the Iraqi people see for themselves that these are not insurgents or freedom fighters, they are foreign terrorists with no interest in what’s best for the Iraqi people.
I’ve just heard that three British troops have been killed in Iraq. Given the media frenzy over the Ken Bigley kidnapping (and the anti-war message they included) I’m sure that the Black Watch will come under a lot of pressure in Iraq- Blair’s already under a lot of pressure over the war and with an election of his own to fight soon I’m hoping that he has the resolve to stay the course. Australia and America have just re-elected war leaders, I don’t see why Britain should be any different (especially given the poor state of our Conservative Party- let’s face it, Blair doesn’t have a lot of competition- and the Tories were mostly pro-war too).
Friday, November 05, 2004
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
I’m waiting on the edge of my seat for the results of the US election to come in. My prediction- Bush will take around 280 electoral colleges to win.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Election Countdown
One day to the election and the media here in the UK is calling the race a virtual tie- too close to call. I reckon Bush will win the day- despite what Michael Moore and the Daily Mail (an absolutely staggering article painting Christians as intolerant bigots and swing state voters as too monumentally stupid to be allowed to vote- it was in the print Mail on Sunday yesterday but I can’t find an online copy) would have us believe, I don’t think Americans are stupid. I also think that enough will realise that whatever Bush’s faults may be, he’s the country’s best hope for victory in the war on Islamic terrorism. When he is re-elected, it’ll be a relief- and a pleasure to see Kerry fade into the background again.
Of course, when it’s all over I’ll have to find something to read to replace Kerry Haters, Crush Kerry and the Kerry Spot every day.
Of course, when it’s all over I’ll have to find something to read to replace Kerry Haters, Crush Kerry and the Kerry Spot every day.
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