Wednesday, June 06, 2007

War On Guns

David Codrea at War on Guns has been on the case of "Snuff" Pfleger- this is the individual who called on a mob to snuff out a gun shop owner, a man who uses the tax exempt status of his church to front his political activities. Mr. Codrea has done all of the work on this- time to spread it around the pro-gun community and get the word out. Perhaps a call to the relevant authorities to complain? The hoplophobes get all the media attention they want and this piece of work is also using a church to push his anti-gun agenda. Time for those who value the Second Amendment to push right back- before it's too late. Can you imagine for a second that a church which campaigned for more gun rights would be allowed to get away with it? Well, don't the other side have the advantage in this fight.

War on Guns is also tracking the case of Red's Trading Post, a gun-seller that's under attack from the ATF for the most petty of administrative matters. This is a matter of government thugs abusing their power in the most blatant manner. Check this out for example. If you own a blog or visit message boards, please do try and spread the word about these matters- and point everyone back to War on Guns or Red's new blog where they will be detailing their battle with the ATF.

This is a prime example of the power of blogs to not only disseminate information but also to do the heavy lifting that the agenda-driven mainstream media won't do. Spread the word.

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