Friday, October 14, 2005

ACLU At It Again

Looks like the ACLU is doing their level best to ensure that terrorists have unfettered access to kill innocent American citizens- they're suing the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for patting down people entering the stadium to watch the games.

And it's not the first time either.

Words fail me.


David Codrea said...

Actually, the way I read this, the Bucs are making sure American citizens entering their stadium will be disarmed, easy prey...

Jay.Mac said...

Weren't the pat downs searching for explosive vests? It never even occurred to me that they might be looking for or "banning" legally held firearms.

It looks like in the wake of the Hinrichs' suicide bomb (which may or may not have just been suicide), stadiums all over the US are tightening up security. There were at least a couple of attempts made in the UK to detonate bombs at soccer matches- a number of suicide bombers spread throughout the densely packed crowds could inflict terrible damage.