Thursday, October 27, 2005

Headscarves Must Worn

A university in Malaysia is forcing all female students to wear the headscarf, not just the Islamic ones. And the government is backing them. The argument is that it's not a religious issue at all (of course not), merely a matter of enforcing a university uniform policy.

US university students- this is what a theocracy looks like.

The somewhat ominous sounding Minsiter of National Unity stated that, "In a multi-racial country each community must respect one another. But at the same time we must respect the laws of the country, institutions and organisations to ensure there is no disturbance to the community."

Sounds an awful lot to me that the message is "do as we tell you or else there will be 'disturbances'". After all, Christian or atheist students aren't going to cause any disturbances over not wearing a headscarf, are they?

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