Friday, October 28, 2005

Merry Christmas ACLU

Yeah, it's only Halloween, a little early to be talking about Christmas but I've decided to add the "Merry Christmas ACLU" image to my sidebar anyway. I'm not a Christian but I cannot abide these ridiculous and petty attempts to transform Christmas into "winter holiday". It's Christmas pure and simple. Everyone knows what the holiday is all about so why pretend otherwise? Granted the situation is not quite so bad here in the UK as it is in the US- Christmas is pretty much wholeheartedly welcomed- it's a BIG deal here and the shops are already filling up with Christmas gifts, decorations and foodstuffs. I for one love Christmas- what could be better than seeing your childrens' faces light up on Christmas morning?

I find it strange in a country with such a low church attendance, compared to the US, that we embrace Christmas so well. It's
the family holiday, a grand tradition. Of course, for many the holiday is typified by Father Christmas rather than nativity scenes, but schools here will almost all be having Christmas plays, with pupils acting out the nativity.

Our schools also have compulsory Religious Education classes. Things may have changed drastically in the last few years but I doubt it- while you'll get a bit of lip-service to other religions, these classes are predominantly teaching students about Christianity. Does it make the kids into Christians? No, it does not, but it does teach them about the foundations of our modern Judeo-Christian culture.

I find is staggering that the affirmation that the US government should "
make no law respecting an establishment of religion" has been twisted to conclude that Christianity should be practically outlawed. And the war against Christianity will be fought again this Christmas as groups like the ACLU try to wipe out all traces of our Western heritage. Christmas is Christmas- calling it "winter holiday" or somesuch nonesense isn't going to change what December 25th stands for. Maybe the ACLU needs to read a little further along the 1st Amendment and realise that it also states no law shall be made "prohibiting the free exercise" of religion- which seems to me to be exactly what they are doing with their perpetual attacks on the symbols of Christianity.

If you'd like to add some festive touches to your blog, head on over to Stop the ACLU and pick up the code.


loboinok said...

Awesome! Thanks so much, and best wishes for the Christmas season!

Indigo Red said...

OMG! A kindred spirit as a non-Christian. I am an Atheist for Jesus, myself.

Your arguements here are exactly as mine. It's Christmas and Easter, we all know what the days represent. The religion is the basis of MY society, MY civilization and I'm not going to give it up easily.

Do not make Christianity illegal. Make the ACLU illegal.

Jay.Mac said...

Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

GOD doesn't believe in atheists.
HE loves even you ACLU!