Friday, October 28, 2005

Better Law for Homeowners

This is certainly a step in the right direction- a Tory MP is to launch a private bill to the House of Commons which will change the law so that homeowners who protect their homes and families will only be prosecuted if they use "grossly disproportionate force". As the law currently stands, homeowners are permitted the vague "reasonable force". Now, if someone broke into my home I'd think it quite reasonable to take my tomahawk to him- I really don't think the police would see it the same way.

Of course, even if the measure is accepted into law it still leaves the vast majority of people unable to defend themselves. How is a single woman living alone expected to protect herself or her home from a group of male thugs who break in? The people of the United Kingdom have been disarmed by the government- we do not have access to firearms which level the playing field. It's all very well to change the law to provide homeowners more peace of mind, but the simple fact remains that the government forbids its citizens from owning the means with which to defend themselves.

Home Office Minister Fiona MacTaggart is aghast at the idea of a change to the law-

People might set traps for burglars if they were allowed to use more force rather than informing the police, she suggested.

That could make it more likely that burglars would carry weapons, she added.

In her world, she'd rather people called the police after they had been burgled or attacked, rather than defend themselves in the first place. And as for burglars carrying weapons? Well, why shouldn't homeowners have the right to arm themselves too? Nothing stands in the way of someone breaking into a home armed with a gun as it is (gun crime has increased dramatically since the handgun ban was passed)- the only option the victim has here is to submit to the criminal's will and then wait for the police to turn up...after the crime has been committed and the criminal fled.

If these MPs were serious about allowing homeowners the right to defend themselves, they would now be campaigning to overturn the current firearms legislation.

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