Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hollywood Helping

Angie and Brad do their bit for the troops.

In another generous act of philanthropy, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt donated $1 million to both U.S. and Iraqi children who have been affected by the Iraqi war.

I wonder if she was influenced to help the kids of US service personnel after her visit to Iraq?

"These educational support programs for children of conflict are the best way to help them heal," said Angelina. Half a million will go to the Armed Service YMCA Operation Hero program, which helps educate and emotionally support children who have parents serving in Iraq (or who've lost parents.)

The other half million will go to helping children in Iraq. Not often you hear about Hollywood celebrities doing good deeds to support the US military and their families.

On a related note I've just been to see Wanted. It's an outlandishly over-the-top film. Just throw your disbelief out the window and sit back and enjoy the awesome spectacle. Very well directed, brilliant action scenes and James McAvoy was superb as he moved from loser to super-assassin.

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