Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Data Blunder

Blunder is putting it mildly to say the least.

The British government displays their customary approach to tackling modern technology and data. The words "incompetent" and "negligent" come to mind. In fact, I'd be very surprised if the victims of these foreign criminals didn't have a case to take legal action against the CPS.

An urgent manhunt is under way for 17 wanted foreign criminals left at large in Britain for up to a year because of a data blunder by the Government.

And just how did it happen?

Gordon Brown has announced a full inquiry into why the CPS failed to act after Dutch authorities sent them a disc containing DNA profiles of more than 2,000 individuals linked to serious crimes, including murderers and rapists.

Although the crucial information arrived in London in January last year, it apparently lay untouched on a desk until last month.

By that time, at least 11 of the individuals had committed crimes including assaults in this country.

And the PM promises an inquiry- why aren't heads rolling over this fiasco?

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