Sunday, April 24, 2005

Cryptic Fiction

I've added my new site, Cryptic Fiction, to my Links. I intend to post some of the stories I've written there. Right now, it's a "coming soon" feature as there isn't anything there, but I need a kick in the pants sometimes to keep me motivated. Knowing that the page is there waiting will hopefully given me a bit of extra motivation to work harder.

The main type of story I work on at the moment is adventure. Burroughs is a BIG influence on me, but I'll try to put a variety of things up. I dabble in various fields; horror, science fiction, action, nothing too literary. My intent at the moment is to put up sample chapters, stories I'm writing at the moment and any other bits and pieces I can find. Feedback is appreciated. My Other Half tells me she loves what I write but I think she's just being kind.

Anyway, I'm trying to get a few things together tonight/tomorrow and get them posted ASAP.

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