Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Another Round Up

Google is punishing CNET for *gasp* using Google. In running a story on how Google can be used to obtain personal information, the journalist googled CEO Eric Schmidt. In response, Google is refusing to speak to the news network for a year. The journalists shouldn't be too disheartened by this- they can always Google up any necessary info they need.

Seven Denver libraries are doing their level best to abolish English as the mother tongue of America- by making their libraries "Spanish focused". In other words, dominantly Spanish books and Spanish speaking staff. Way to go assimilating those immigrants. Not so long ago I came across an article on the net (too lazy to search for it now) which said something along the lines of- in areas where immigrants were forced to learn English first and do courses in that language they took about a generation to ebcome fully English speaking. In areas where they were offered classes in their own language it could take three generations for them to become English speakers. As far as I can remember that is. Feel free to look it up and correct me if I'm wrong.

Some new ideas for Space Shuttle replacements, including picture goodness. About time too.

Corrupting Kids the ACLU Way. Go read for it is good.

Two different blogs on different topics both manage to discuss the liberal "hive mind" which allows no dissent. First up is The Moderate Voice discussing an impromptu poll on the superb Michelle Malkin and in which he discovers that a liberal gay man calls her the "neocon's pocket gook whore."I have several phrases in mind for this piece of work but I don't want to lower the tone any further. Moderate Voice says, "we don't "own" women or minorities, and if we keep treating them as de facto proxies who will be disowned and denigrated for straying from the "hive mind," we will surely alienate our chances of ever hoping to retain their participation in the progressive sphere."
Next up is Captain's Quarters on Harry Belafonte's moonbat ramblings- "Any dissent from the Accepted Wisdom must be attacked as evil and monstrous, and the dissenters themselves outcast from the hive."


loboinok said...

Thanks for the link.

Jay.Mac said...

Not a problem. It's a fantastic site.