Friday, August 05, 2005

It's This Easy To Understand

LimeyPundit (a new-to-me blog) has a post up explaining in three simple images the necessity of fighting Islamofascists.

While it's not mentioned so often as 9/11 or even 7/7, the Beslan school massacre is one of the most horrendous atrocities ever committed. Remember, Beslan wasn't anywhere special. Is your town? Remember too that Palestinian terrorists justify killing Israeli children because one day they might grow up to become Israeli soldiers. The terrorists we face seem to have no objection to murdering anyone at all- not even other Muslims.

The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler also posts on the subject of Beslan where 172 children out of 344 civilians were deliberately murdered.

As Fjordman notes, two prominent British Islamic militants have declared- "we don't live in peace with you anymore". Perhaps it's high time that the West realised that too.

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