Monday, August 22, 2005

MSM Gets It Right

This may come as quite shock but it appears that a MSM journalist has actually crafted a positive story on Soldiers' Angels. Picking up on the Black Five post entitled If It Wasn't For Her, it follows the story of Cpt Charles Ziegenfuss beign wounded in Iraq and shipped to Walter Reed. The Captain notes the story too and complains that too much attention was focused on him and not enough on Soldiers' Angels.

Credit where credit is due- the Washington Post did a good job here. I'm particularly pleased because the Black Five post that it's based on is one of the most moving stories I've come across lately- and it's better written than the Post story too by the way.

Ziegenfuss is beig helped stay in touch with friends and family- and continue blogging- by the use of Dragon Naturally Speaking voice recognition software on his laptop. I've used that particular program in the past and it's a good package. Project Valor-IT has been set up to provide similarly equipped laptops totroops with hand and arm injuries or amputations. And of course there's the Soldiers' Angels themselves. Very worthwhile causes if you know what I mean.

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